Wednesday 13 May 2009


The more money i make thew better the quality of the samples think about it people...........i'm already giving your hot samples for free if you donate a dollar/pound or two, it would help..........i'm not asking for much ha ha just a small donation cos every penny adds up and with better vsts how knows what i could acclompish.......
so do me a favour and show your apreciation please and donate a dollar or two or three or four lol.


Wednesday 3 December 2008

More Samples!

Here's some more orchestra samples by me I hope you enjoy and leave a post if you did

PS Don't Loop...

LOL Just kidding


And God Be With You.

Monday 1 December 2008

Something For My Hip Hop Heads

Now as all producers know they've sampled countless tracks but for me i've began to feel a little guilty so i've decided to make a track FOR my fellow producers to sample it's a slow orchestra track my first of that kind and hopefully i'll be able to improve on this record and come back with alot or songs for you to sample.

Justin Singh